Saturday, October 22, 2011

Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)

PSVT is a common arrhythmia that occurs among all age groups in both ambulatory and inpatient settings. Although most patients with PSVT are symptomatic in some way from this arrhythmia (with lightheadedness, awareness of rapid heart beat or palpitations), hemodynamic compromise is usually not seen if the patient is otherwise healthy and does not have underlying heart disease. In contrast, sudden development of this arrhythmia is much more likely to be consequential when it occurs in older patients, in very young children, or adults with significant underlying cardiac disease. Hemodynamic decompensation is especially likely to develop in such individuals when the rate of PSVT is very rapid and/or the rhythm persists for long periods of time. 

Electrocardiographically, the diagnosis of PSVT is suggested by the finding of a regular supraventricular (narrow complex) tachycardia in which normal atrial activity is lacking on the surface ECG. Terminology of the various forms of PSVT may be confusing, because there are a number of different mechanisms that may produce a similar electrocardiographic picture. Most commonly the phenomenon of "reentry" exists, in which the electrical impulse continually circulates over a well defined reentrant pathway. In a primary care setting, the overwhelming majority of adults who present with the ECG picture of PSVT (regular narrow complex tachycardia at a rate of between 140-240 beats per minute without evidence of normal atrial activity) will have a reentrant tachycardia in which at least a portion of the reentry circuit involves the AV node. Surprisingly, up to one-third of these patients have an accessory pathway involved in reentry circuit that is "concealed" (not manifested by delta waves on the surface ECG), reflecting the fact that conduction only occurs over the accessory pathway in retrograde fashion. This reentrant form of PSVT is said to manifest orthodromic conduction, because the electrical impulse travels first down the normal AV nodal pathway and then back up the accessory pathway. As a result of this sequence of activation, the usual ECG hallmarks of an accessory pathway (short PR interval, delta wave, QRS widening) are not seen. 

Clinically, initial management of patients with PSVT from a concealed accessory pathway (i.e., with orthodromic conduction first through the AV node, and then back up the accessory pathway in retrograde fashion) is similar to management of the more common form of PSVT in which the entire reentry circuit is contained within the AV node (atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia, or AVNRT). In both cases, the arrhythmia behaves as an "AV nodal dependent" tachycardia, in that interventions aimed at altering AV nodal conduction properties may interrupt the reentry circuit just long enough to block propagation of the circulating impulse, and therefore convert the arrhythmia to sinus rhythm. 

Acute treatment of patients with AV nodal dependent forms of PSVT may include use of a vagal maneuver, and/or administration of IV verapamil, diltiazem, or adenosine (Adenocard). Although each of these drugs is effective in converting PSVT more than 90 percent of the time, adenosine is often preferred in an emergency setting because of its rapid onset. Unfortunately, recurrence may be seen with this agent because of its short dura-tion of action. If this occurs, either adenosine may be repeated, or use of a longer acting agent (verapamil or diltiazem) may be tried. Alternatively, use of digoxin or a beta-blocker could be considered. The addition of an anxiolytic agent may be a helpful adjunct for treatment of PSVT because it reduces the anxiety that often accompanies this arrhythmia, as well as the physiologic effect it may have in attenuating sympathetic tone and therefore altering conduction properties in one or both arms of the reentrant pathway.

Long-term management of the patient with PSVT includes elimination of all stimulants (including caffeine), alcohol, tobacco, and other substances of possible abuse, sympathomimetic agents, and diet pills. Selected patients can be taught the Valsalva maneuver, to be performed when necessary. 

Consideration may sometimes be given to administration of drugs on an episodic basis for patients with infrequent attacks, or daily for more frequent occurrence. Intermittent therapy may be appropriate for selected individuals whose PSVT only occurs at infrequent intervals, in which the treating physician prescribes the use of verapamil, diltiazem, or a beta-blocker that may be taken by the patient at home at the time of the episode. Such therapy should not be used unless the mechanism of the arrhythmia has been clearly defined. However, when appropriate, use of intermittent therapy for treatment of PSVT is well received by patients because it restores a measure of control over their condition and avoids the need to take a medication daily when their arrhythmia only occurs at infrequent intervals. The addition of a benzodiazepine to the rateslowing regimen may be beneficial because it reduces the anxiety that accompanies PSVT during the time that it takes the oral regimen to work (usually 30 to 90 minutes). 

Several points should be emphasized regarding the management of PSVT. First, patients with frequent episodes of PSVT that do not readily respond to medical therapy should be referred for electrophysiologic study. Doing so allows identification of a group of patients who may be suitable candidates for catheter ablation therapy, a procedure that may be curative in more than 90 percent of cases with only minimal risk of complications. This evaluation and treatment course should be especially considered for patients with PSVT that is known to be associated with conduction over an accessory pathway-since such individuals may retain the potential to suddenly develop antegrade (forward) conduction down the accessory pathway in association with tachycardia. In particular, development of atrial fibrillation in such a patient with antidromic conduction over an accessory pathway may lead to excessively rapid ventricular rates (of 250 beats per minute, or more) with associated life-threatening hemodynamic compromise. Electrophysiologic study of these patients allows identification of the culprit accessory pathway in most cases, which may then be ablated with cure of the arrhythmia. 

Finally, it should be appreciated that a small percentage of patients who present with the ECG picture of PSVT in reality have an "AV nodal independent" mechanism responsible for their arrhythmia. This group of tachyarrhythmias include entities such as sinus node reentry, intra-atrial reentry, and ectopic (automatic) atrial tachycardia, as may occur with digitalis toxicity. The importance of being aware of these much less commonly occurring arrhythmias is that the usual measures used for treatment of AV nodal dependent PSVT rhythms may not be effective if the AV node is not involved in the genesis and/or maintenance of the arrhythmia. For example, withholding digoxin may be all that is needed for resolution of atrial tachycardia with block that arises as a manifestation of digoxin toxicity. Clinically, sinus node reentrant tachycardia and intra-atrial reentrant tachycardia are both often resistant to treatment with standard antiarrhythmic agents. Early referral for electrophysiologic study should be strongly considered for such patients.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Ventricular Arrhythmias

 Ventricular arrhythmias are a broad category of conditions that include premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), ventricular tachycardia, accelerated idioventricular rhythm, torsades de pointes, ventricular flutter and

Premature Ventricular Contractions. Prudent medical practice dictates that therapy for PVCs be based on "the company they keep". They are common in the general population, and if no heart disease is present, they are generally benign. Accompanying conditions that increase catecholamine levels, as well as hypoxia, electrolyte abnormalities, and drug toxicity, should be treated.

If, however, the PVCs occur with acute ischemic heart disease or any other organic heart disease, they may be of greater signifi-cance. PVCs themselves are not a cause of mortality, unless they lead to sustained VT or VF. Clinically, one should look first for disorders associated with increased catecholamine levels, hypoxia, electrolyte abnormalities, drug toxicity, HF, and ischemia. These conditions should be corrected if they exist. If PVCs persist, Holter monitoring could be considered in an attempt to determine if more malignant forms are present. In the absence of underlying heart  disease, PVCs, even if frequent, are generally benign and need not be treated. If the patient is symptomatic from such PVCs, a beta-blocker is the antiarrhythmic agent of choice.

In contrast, if PVCs occur in a patient who does not have underlying heart disease, cardiovascular risk is increased. The problem is that with rare exceptions, antiarrhythmic therapy has not been shown to increase survival in such patients. If treatment is deemed necessary, a beta-blocker is again the agent of choice. It should be kept in mind that antiarrhythmic drugs are not benign and, in 5 to 10 percent of cases, may be associated with a proarrhythmic effect, in which they paradoxically exacerbate the arrhythmia. This is a major reason for the reluctance to treat PVCs in recent years.

Ventricular tachycardia. When short episodes of VT occur in a normal heart, they are usually benign. However, once VT is found, intensive cardiac evaluation is usually indicated to assess the patient for underlying heart disease. If heart disease is not present, no therapy may be needed.

On the other hand, when VT occurs with organic heart disease, the risk of VF is higher and, therefore, the risk of sudden cardiac death increases. Full evaluation with echocardiography, cardiac catheterization, and/or electrophysiologic studies should be strongly considered. Treatment options include amiodarone or other antiarrhythmic therapy or an implantable defibrillator, depending upon the LVEF and how inducible the VT is with electrophysiologic studies. For example, VT is much more likely to be inducible in a patient with ischemic cardiomyopathy compared to one with a nonischemic cardiomyopathy. In appropriately selected patients, use of an implantable cardioverterdefibrillator (ICD) may result in a greater than 90-percent survival rate at five years in those patients who otherwise would be at very high risk for sudden cardiac death.

Recently, the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial (MADIT) was completed, in which prophylactic implantation of an ICD appeared to benefit a select group of patients with nonsustained VT and impaired left ventricular function following myocardial infarction. Although additional data are needed to confirm these results, it would seem that  patients with sustained VT and underlying heart disease should be referred for extensive cardiac evaluation including electrophysiologic study. Management decisions are less clear at this time for patients with asymptomatic episodes of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) who have underlying heart disease. At the least, control of potentially exacerbating causes of ventricular arrhythmias (whenever possible) is essential in such patients, including correction of electrolyte abnormalities and treatment of ischemia, heart failure and/or hypoxia. Preference should be given to use of ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers when appropriate for treatment of these underlying conditions. Whether or not patients with asymptomatic NSVT and underlying heart disease hould be routinely referred for electrophysiologic study remains controversial at this time, and is a decision that should be individualized for each patient depending on specific circumstances of the particular case at hand.

Finally, for patients who develop either cardiac arrest from ventricular fibrillation and/or sustained ventricular tachycardia associated with hemodynamic compromise that is not the result of acute myocardial infarction, recent data suggest the superiority of treatment with an ICD over treatment with antiarrhythmic drugs. Patients with these presentations should be referred for electrophysiologic evaluation unless extenuating circumstances exist.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol has been a favourite theme on the airwaves fpr the past 30 years, and mostly it seems to get a pretty harsh press.

The main risk associated with high cholesterol is coronary heart disease (CHD). This is caused by blood vessels becoming narrowed with fatty deposits called plaques, which cholesterol contributes to. The narrowed blood vessels reduce blood flow to the heart. This can result in angina [chest pain) or, if the vessel is blocked completely, a heart attack.

Based on information such as this, most people naturally think of cholesterol as something damaging, something to be avoided. But I think it is important to make it clear that cholesterol is absolutely essential for life. It is not some alien chemical that we can remove from our diets, or our bodies.

On this topic, I was amused to read an article in the Independent newspaper about the Buncefield Depot fire (when much of Britain's fuel stores went up in smoke, if you remember). This article highlighted the dangers in the fire-fighting foam that was used, which contains perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). Among the serial terrors of PFOS  was the fact that ... 'The chemical is believed to interrupt the body's ability to produce cholesterol, a necessary building block of nearly every system in the body.' Quite.

I sometimes remark to those who think my ideas on heart disease are entirely batty, 'Why do you think that an egg yolk is full of cholesterol?' Answer: because it takes one hell of a lot of cholesterol to build a healthy chicken. It also takes a hell of a lot of cholesterol to build, and maintain, a healthy human being. In fact, cholesterol is so vital that all cells, apart from neurones, can manufacture cholesterol, and one of the key functions of the liver is to synthesize cholesterol. We also have an entire transportation system dedicated to moving cholesterol around the body.

Effects of Smlth-Lemli-opitz Syndrome (SLOS) Spontaneous abortion of fetuses with SLOS is not unusual. Stillbirths have also been reported. Death from multl-organ system failure during the first weeks of life is typical In Individuals with SLOS type II. Congenital heart disease Is not uncommon in SLOS and can cause cyanosis and congestive heart failure. Vomiting, feeding difficulties, constipation, toxic megacolon, electrolyte disturbances and failure to thrive are common and, in some cases, related to gastrointestinal anomalies. Visual loss may occur because of cataracts, optic-nerve abnormalities, or other ophthalmologic problems. Hearing loss Is fairly common. Cause of death can Include pneumonia, lethal congenital heart defect, or hepatic failure. Survival is unlikely if the plasma cholesterol level is less than approximately 20mg/dL.

To highlight what happens when cholesterol levels are very low, it is enlightening to look at a rare genetic  condition called Smith-LemliOpitz Syndrome (SLOS). In this syndrome there is a defect in cholesterol synthesis, resulting in very low blood cholesterol levels. Listed opposite are some of the effects.

From this cheery little list of deadly abnormalities, at least one thing becomes clear. The only good cholesterol molecule is not a dead cholesterol molecule. A very, very low cholesterol level is not something we should strive too hard to achieve.

Moving on, here are some of the things that we need cholesterol for in the body:

• Brain synapses. Synapses, the vital connections between nerve cells in the brain, and elsewhere, are made almost entirely of cholesterol.
• Vitamin D. This is a highly important vitamin, not only needed to create healthy bones, but now also known to be protective against a number of cancers. Vitamin D is synthesized from cholesterol by the action of sunlight on our skin.
• Cell membranes. All cells in our body need cholesterol in their cell membranes. Without it they would disintegrate, as cholesterol provides structural integrity.
• Sex hormones. Cholesterol is a building block for most sex hormones.
• Bile. Cholesterol is a key component of bile, which is released from the gall bladder to help with food digestion. Indeed, many gallstones are made entirely from crystallised cholesterol.

It should be' pointed out that all of this requires a great deal cholesterol. So much so that it is nigh on impossible to eat enough cholesterol to meet your daily cholesterol needs. In order to meet this gap, the liver has to produce four or five times as much cholesterol as you ingest. In fact, you would need to eat about six to eight egg yolks each and every day to meet your daily requirement. As most of us never do this, the liver fills the gap.

So how can it possibly make sense to claim that eating, say, one-third of our daily cholesterol requirement (which would only happen if you nearly doubled your intake) - instead of the normal one-fifth, or one-sixth, that most people manage - will overwhelm our metabolic control systems, causing cholesterol. levels to spiral out of control? If we did managed to eat four eggs a day, the liver would simply produce less cholesterol to keep the levels steady.
This form of physiological 'downregulation: also known as a 'negative feedback system: is something found in all other biological systems, in all other organisms discovered to date. But not, it would appear, with cholesterol, according to the 'cholesterol is bad' theory.

However much cholesterol you eat, the liver just keeps churning away, manufacturing as much as ever. Hmmmm, let me think. This would be like ... Actually it would be just like nothing else at all ever discovered in nature, ever. (I'll return to this subject later.)
Now it is time to move on to fats, with a special focus on our friendly neighbourhood saturated fat - aka the mass murderer. Saturated fats, so we are repeatedly informed, raise our cholesterol levels, thus killing us all from heart disease. 'Super-size me, baby, one more time .. .' In addition to this, they have also been implicated
in causing cancer and diabetes, and other nasty conditions too numerous to mention.

So I think it is time to reveal this monster of the deep.

Eeeeeeeehhhhhh! Run for the hills, hide your children, cover your eyes! Here, in all its terrifying glory, is a saturated fat. The greatest killer in the western world.

OK, I know what you're thinking. Is that it? Yup, that's it. Saturated fats are among the simplest of all molecules in the body. They contain carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, and they all have a COOH group at one end. They can be rather longer than the one in the diagram - i.e. they can have a longer chain of carbon atoms, each with two hydrogen atoms attached. Or they can be shorter. But that's about as exciting as saturated fats get.

So what is it about this substance that is so deadly? Frankly, I'm the wrong person to ask, because I don't happen to think that saturated fats are in any way damaging or dangerous. If they were, they wouldn't taste so damn delicious. Nature tends to warn us off dangerous foods by making them taste bitter and icky. Or giving them a bright-red colour. But hey, I know the counter argument in all its Darwinian glory: nature doesn't care about us after we are too old to procreate, so things that kill us after the age of 50 don't matter. I refuse to enter this debate because it is neither winnable, nor loseable. You either accept it, or reject it, according to your preexisting philosophical prejudices.

Anyway, now you know what a saturated fat is, perhaps I should introduce you to an unsaturated fat, those tree-hugging, Gaia-loving, spiritual healers of all mankind - sorry, humankind.
Can you spot the difference between a saturated and unsaturated fat? Jhe difference is that a section of the unsaturated fat is missing two hydrogen atoms. With two hydrogen atoms missing, a double bond has formed between two carbon atoms in the chain. Because this fat has a double bond in the middle of it, it is deemed to be not fully 'saturated' with hydrogen atoms. Thus, it is 'unsaturated:

There is something else about this particular unsaturated fat that I should point out. It is an Omega 3 fatty acid. Which is officially the healthiest molecule in the world. Indeed, you are looking at the substance that cures just about every ailment of mankind. A veritable Beecham's Powder of the early 21st century.

Perhaps I should explain exactly what makes this fat an Omega 3 fatty acid. Firstly, it is called a fatty acid because it has a COOH at one end (the acid group). In fact, all fats have this. Ergo, all fats are fatty acids, and all fatty acids are fats. But fatty acid does sound so much more scientific and clever than 'fat: Try saying 'Omega 3 fat: It just does not have the same ring to it. How can a fat possibly be healthy? But an 'Omega 3 fatty acid' ... Now you're talking!
The 'Omega 3' refers to the position of the double bond. In. the diagram above, you will notice the double bond is three carbon atoms along from the right-hand end. This end of a fat is known as the Omega end. The other end is known as the Alpha end. It's a Greek language thing: from alpha to omega, or A to Z.

I think it would be useful if I explained four more things about fats. Namely:
• What, exactly, a polyunsaturated fat is.
• How to turn a liquid fat into a solid fat (e.g. a 'cholesterol-reducing' spread).
• How fats are transported and stored in the body.
• The lack of connection between fats and cholesterol.

What is a polyunsaturated fat?
A polyunsaturated fat is a fat .with more than one double bond in it. Such fats tend to come from vegetable sources, e.g. olive oil. At this point I should probably mention that a 'monounsaturated fat' is an unsaturated fat with only one double bond.
And, to be frank, that's quite enough about unsaturated fats.

How to turn a liquid fat into a solid fat?
A significant problem with liquid fats (oils) is that it is kind of difficult to spread them on bread. Speaking as a butter fan, this is not something that has ever bothered me. However, many years ago, a clever chemist worked out that if you fired hydrogen atoms at great speed at an unsaturated fat, you could saturate it with a few more hydrogen atoms. The alternative chemical name for this process is hydrogenation - which literally means adding more hydrogen atoms. Whatever you call it, this chemical adaptation prevents fats from going rancid (i.e., picking up random oxygen atoms), and it also turns liquid fats into solid fats.

In this way, olive oil can be turned into olive fat - 'Zo 'ealthee as part of a Mediterranean diet: (Cue Italian music on an accordion, with 120- year-old men dancing the tango while charming their equally ancient wives.) Just what the world always needed. Solid olive oil.

Something else that I should mention at this point is that when you fire hydrogen at unsaturated fat, you create a strange type of molecule - one that is not really found in nature at all. It is a molecule with a hydrogen atom either side of the double carbon bond. This is known as a 'trans' bond, and is a bit difficult to explain in words. So, here is a diagram:

Fig.1 Comparison of a trans bond and a cis bond

Nature tends to make all double bonds with hydrogen on the same side, which is known as a 'cis' bond. But mankind, with a big machine, extremely high pressure and a few heavy-metal catalysts, can manufacture 'trans' bonds. And fats containing trans bonds are known as 'trans-fatty acids: There are those - and I rank myself among them - who believe that trans-fatty acids are both, literally, 'unnatural' and potentially damaging to our health.

How so? Because our enzyme systems are designed to deal with cis bonds, not trans bonds. And while the difference may seem trifling, consider the humble prion. A prion is a misfolded protein. If you eat prions from an infected source, you may develop BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) and your brain will turn to mush. Ergo, unnatural differences in molecular structures can be extraordinarily damaging to biological systems - e.g, human beings.

If you want to know more about the potential damage caused by trans fats, just type 'Mary Enig' and 'trans fats' into any search engine, and be prepared to be scared. You may never eat margarine again. Despite the fact that such unnatural spreads' ... are clinically proven to lower cholesterol as part of a healthy diet' - A Celebrity. ('Can I have my cheque now, please?') Ah yes, anyone of the well known brands of substitute butter spreads are as natural as high-pressure, platinum-catalyst-based, hydrocarbon-cracking chemistry itself.

How fats are transported and stored around the body I will attempt to explain fat transportation in the next chapter, as it is key to the entire batty 'high cholesterol causes heart disease hypothesis: Here, however, I want to point out that fats do not wander through the body all alone or randomly. They are almost exclusively grouped together as three fats, attached to a backbone. Thus, they are knows as triglycerides (tri: three; glyceride: from 'glycerol' - the backbone molecule that holds the fats together).

I am not entirely sure why fats do this, possibly the body finds it easier to pack three fats configured like this into smaller spaces. Also, they are less likely to react with surrounding chemicals. Whatever the main reason, this is the primary structure of fats in the body (see Fig.2.).
  Fig.2 Triglyceride

At this point I am going to mention a little more about glycerol, the backbone molecule in a triglyceride. Glycerol is actually half of a glucose or sugar molecule and when triglycerides are broken down into their component parts, glycerol travels to the liver, which combines two molecules to form glucose. The fats go to muscles to be burned up. (In short, stored fats are part sugar, providing energy.)

You probably do not think this matters at all. However, later on, when I attempt to explain the true cause of heart disease, this information will become rather more important.

The lack of connection between fats and cholesterol 
At this point, you may have noticed that I have talked about fats'and cholesterol without there seeming to be the slightest connection between them. The reason for this is because there is no connection. between them. Yet the way they are discussed today, the impression seems to be given that the two things are virtually the same. Fats, cholesterol; cholesterol, fats. Low-fat diet lowers cholesterol; high-fat diet raises cholesterol ... rhubarb, rhubarb.

It is true that foods containing cholesterol also tend to contain fats - specifically,'saturated fat. That's because foods containing cholesterol usually come from animal sources, and so do foods containing saturated fat. This is both the beginning and the end of any dietary connection. Yet for some reason it has become a canon of medical faith that eating saturated fat raises cholesterol levels,' and the two substances have become almost interchangeable in discussions on heart disease.

Here, for example, is a short passage plucked off the internet from a US governmental organisation:

Dietary cholesterol comes from animal sources such as egg yolks, meat (especially organ meats such as liver), poultry, fish, and higher fat milk products. Many of these foods are also high in saturated fats. Choosing foods with less cholesterol and saturated fat will help lower your blood cholesterol levels.

Within one quick paragraph, cholesterol and saturated fats have, somehow, become inextricably intertwined.

Moving ahead of myself just for a moment, I think it might be interesting to set the above quote beside one from Ancel Keys. The name probably means nothing to you, but Keys is 'Ie Grand Fromage' himself. The man who, almost single-handedly, set the world implacably against saturated fat. As part of his one-man crusade against saturated fat, Ancel Keys studied the impact of cholesterol consumption on cholesterol levels in humans, and the results of his research can' be neatly encapsulated in the following quote:

There's no connection whatsoever between cholesterol in food and cholesterol in blood. And we've known that all along. Cholesterol in the diet doesn't matter at all unless you happen to be a chicken or a rabbit.

Presumably, therefore, if cholesterol in the diet does not raise cholesterol levels - which it doesn't - it must be saturated fat? But what is the connection? Does saturated fat act as a building block for cholesterol? If you pump saturated fat into the liver, does it automatically churn out cholesterol- like inserting a pig in one end of an abatt~ir and watching sausages come out the other end?

I would like to say that there is absolutely no way that you can turn saturated fat (or any other sort of fat) into cholesterol. But human biochemistry is so complicated and interconnected that I can't really be so bold as to make that claim. The liver is the most fantastic chemical factory in the world. It can take almost any molecule and, through a series of mind-bogglingly complicated steps, turn it into another molecule (with certain important exceptions). So you can't say, for absolute certain, that fat doesn't become cholesterol, because some bits of fat probably do become incorporated into cholesterol, after the liver has mashed it about, and cleaved it, and added a few different atoms here and there. However, let me point out the following two facts, and leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Fact one
The fundamental building block for cholesterol is a substance called Acetyl CoA. You need know only two things about this substance:
Fig.3  Acetyl CoA

1: It contains phosphorous, sulphur and nitrogen (none of which isfound in fats, they are found in proteins).
2: It has several ring structures (none of which are found in fats).

Perhaps I should start a new competition. In Fig.3 of Acetyl CoA, can you 'Spot the fat'?

Fact two
Synthesis of cholesterol is horribly complicated. Again, the purpose of Fig. 4 is simply to illustrate this fact (and also to highlight the complete absence of saturated fat anywhere in this process).
Fig. 4 Cholesterol Synthesis

Cholesterol biosynthesis
Given these facts, I will reiterate the question: why would eating saturated fat have any impact on cholesterol production in the liver, or anywhere else in the body? If you can see how this happens, perhaps you could write to me and explain just exactly how it does so. Up to now, no biochemist has managed this clever trick.

I will finish this chapter by pointing out a fact that I find pertinent to the discussion. The liver is quite capable of turning one type of chemical into almost any other type of chemical. It can turn protein into sugar, sugar into fat, glycerol into glucose, etc. If you eat a great deal of carbohydrate (which is all converted into glucose), the liver will then convert excess glucose into fat. The body can only store about 2,000 calories of glucose in total, and once this limit is reached there is only thing to do with it: convert it to fat, then store it in adipose (Le. fatty) tissue.

And what sort of fat does the liver choose to make in this situation? Super-healthy unsaturated fats? Ah, that would be a no. When the liver makes fats, it makes saturated fats, and saturated fats alone. My God, do our own livers not know how unhealthy this is? Killed by our own treacherous physiology ... Or perhaps the liver knows that saturated fats are not actually unhealthy at all.
I will let you decide.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What is a Heart Disease?

     A pedant would say that heart disease is a disease of the heart; but there are hundreds of them, most with complex names - myocarditis, pericarditis, ventricular hypertrophy, Woff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, to name but four.

     However, the big daddy, the one that kills most people, is not truly a disease of the heart at all. It is a disease of the arteries that supply blood to the heart, and is usually called atherosclerosis. 'Athero; or 'atheroma; describes the build up of grey-white/fatty gunk in the artery walls. These thickenings are sometimes called atheromatous plaques, or just plaques:Sclerosis' means general thickening and hardening. One of the other confusing elements when reading about heart disease is the amount of jargon. AKA medical terminology.
 Fig. 1 Blockage in right coronal artery

     Atheromatous plaques come in many different varieties. Plaques are generally thought to progress from an initial fatty streak; as found in the arteries of most ten-year-olds, which gradually becomes bigger and thicker. Eventually, the plaques can reach the point where they actually calcify, turning arteries into stiff, almost bonelike tubes. The process of turning from a fatty streak into a calcified plaque is supposed to take years and years, although no one knows for sure how long things take because no one has ever hung around to watch an individual plaque going through its lifecycle (not in a human being, at least). The general assumption seems to be that it all takes decades.

     Having said this, it is not the mature, stiff, calcified plaque that is the problem; it is an intermediate stage, the so-called 'unstable' plaque. At some point during their (allegedly) slow development, plaques turn into something that looks like a cyst lurking within the artery wall; a thin capsule surrounding a semi-liquid centre full of goo. This goo is made of all sorts of stuff. Fats, dead white cells, broken down bits of blood clot etc.

     The great danger with this type of plaque is that the thin wall surrounding the goo bursts, or breaks down. This 'goo exposure' sends a hugely powerful message to the blood-clotting system, and results in a blood clot (also called a thrombus) forming over the burst plaque. If the blood clot is big enough then it completely blocks the blood supply to whatever organ that particular artery was supplying.
 Fig. 2 Development of a blood clot in an artery

     If that organ happens to be the heart, then the heart muscle downstream will become starved of oxygen. It may then 'infarct' (,infarction' means the localised necrosis - or cell death - that results from obstruction to the blood supply). In medical speak, this is a myocardial (heart muscle) infarction, often shortened to an MI. In layperson speak, this is a heart attack. It is estimated that about 50 per cent of heart attacks are fatal, and people mostly die in the first hour. For those who survive the first hour, though, a myriad of medical interventions have now been developed. 

     Among the earlier developments were clot-busting drugs, designed to break down the clot that is blocking the artery. These are still widely used, and are pretty effective - assuming you managed to 'bust' the clot before the heart muscle became too badly damaged.That said, the humble blood-thinning aspirin can be almost as good, at about onemillionth of the cost.

     However, cardiologists now have much better toys to play with, and the latest type of treatment for an acute heart attack employs a long, thin catheter, which is inserted into an artery in the groin. Under X-ray guidance; this is then fed up to the heart, directed into the artery that is blocked and then stuck through the clot. A balloon is then inflated, opening ' up the artery even further. Nowadays, a small metal framework known as a stent is wrapped round the balloon, and this folds out into a rigid 'support' that sits where the clot was, keeping the artery open. The entire procedure is known as angioplasty. It's all exceedingly clever, and horribly expensive (See Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 Procedure for an angioplasty

     For those in whom clot-busters and stents haven't worked, there is the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft  (CABG), or 'cabbage' - although doing a cabbage in an acute situation is pretty much the last resort of last resorts. Or, as we used to say in Scotland, TOTS, which stands for Tatties Over The Side (a tatty is a potato) - a reference to the point in a storm when the crew has to ditch the very last bit of cargo to save the ship.

     Ergo, a CABG in an acute MI - when clot-busters or angioplasty hasn't worked - is TOTS time. You see, the jargon is quite simple once you get the hang of it.

     Quite how much impact all of this cleverness has had on overall mortality rates from having a heart attack is a moot point. Around fifty per cent of people die before reaching hospital, so they can't be saved. Another forty per cent, or so, were always going to survive no matter how badly the hospital cocked up. So, at very best, these techniques can improve survival after a heart attack by about ten per cent, and we are nowhere near achieving this yet. Perhaps two or three per cent more people survive a heart attack now than about ten or twenty years ago.

     Don't get me wrong. If I had a heart attack I would want a cardiologist warming up the cath lab, ready to stick a stent right up the old femoral artery. No question about it. Nothing but the best for me, thank you very much. But when it comes to heart attacks, cure is always going to be very much less impressive than prevention. Even if it is much less sexy.

     Before we move on, I need to provide a little more information about 'infarctions' elsewhere in the body.  Because although plaques most often develop in the arteries supplying blood to the heart (coronary arteries), plaques are perfectly capable of developing elsewhere in the body too. Quite often, big plaques form in the arteries in the neck (carotid arteries). As these arteries supply blood to the brain, this is clearly a danger spot. However, the carotid arteries very rarely block completely. What most often happens is that a clot forms over the carotid plaque, then a bit breaks off and travels up into the brain through ever-smaller arteries. 

     Once the clot reaches an artery that is too narrow for it it gets stuck. and this dams up blood supply to an area of the brain, leading to a cerebral (brain) infarction. This is the commonest version of a 'stroke: The other type of stroke occurs when an artery in the brain bursts, causing a bleed into the brain tissue. This is called a cerebral haemorrhage.

     In fact, one of the reasons why it has been so hard to develop an effective treatment for stroke is that, clinically, it is impossibleto tell the difference between an infarct/blockage, and ableed/haemorrhage. You need to do a brain scan to know, for sure,what type of stroke has occurred. You can't give a clot-busting drug to someone having a stroke, because, if they are having a bleed; the drugs will make things far, far, worse. In fact, you will almost certainly kill them. And, by the time you have managed to get a brain scan done, it is usually too late to give any drug at all, because the damage will already have been done. 

     Moving on from that cheery subject. Apart from the heart and the brain, you can have infarctions in the kidneys, the guts, the eyes - almost anywhere, in fact. Perhaps the scariest place to develop big plaques is in the aorta, the major blood vessel that leads out of the heart and down through the chest and abdomen. If the aorta develops big plaques, the wall can lose structural integrity and balloon outwards, creating a great big 'aneurysm' (see Fig. 4). This is like having an unexploded bomb in your chest, just waiting to go off. And when an artery this big fails - kaboom! In medical speak, this is known as a ruptured aortic aneurysm. In general, it is something to be avoided. Some people survive - so long as the leak is small, that is.
Fig.4 Comparison between normal aorta and aorta with aneurysm Normal aorta
• Heart disease is really a disease of the arteries supplying blood to the heart.
• The 'disease' is atherosclerosis (or the development of discrete atherosclerotic plaques).
• Plaques can also develop in arteries almost anywhere in the body.
• Plaques are dangerous when they burst, or 'rupture; as this stimulates the formation of a blood clot over the ruptured area. This can completely the artery, causing the tissue downstream to infarct.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Valvular Heart Disease

About valvular heart disease
Valvular heart disease is the name given to any dysfunction or abnormality of one or more of the heart’s four valves, including the mitral valve and aortic valve on the left side, and the tricuspid valve and pulmonic valve on the right side. In a normally functioning heart, the four valves (flaps made of tissue) keep blood flowing in one direction and only at the right time. They act as gates that swing open to allow blood to flow through and then tightly shut until the next cycle begins.

According to the American Heart Association’s 2006 Heart and Stroke Statistical Update, valvular heart disease is responsible for nearly 20,000 deaths each year in the United States and is a contributing factor in about 42,000 deaths. The majority of these cases involve disorders of the aortic valve (63 percent) and the mitral valve (14 percent). Deaths due to pulmonic and tricuspid valve disorders are rarer (0.06 percent and 0.01 percent, respectively).

Valvular heart disease in women may pose a greater risk of complications in pregnancy – to the mother and to the fetus. This is largely due to the normal increase in the amount of blood flow to the body from the heart (cardiac output) during pregnancy. Some heart valve conditions, like mitral valve prolapse, are not typically associated with pregnancy complications. Severe aortic stenosis, though, should be corrected before a woman becomes pregnant. Depending on the type of valve disorder, women will be advised to have regular visits to a cardiologist during the course of their pregnancy.

There are a number of types of valvular heart disease, including:

• Valvular stenosis. A condition in which there is a narrowing, stiffening, thickening, fusion or blockage of one or more valves of the heart. As a result, the defective valve can interfere with the smooth passage of blood through it. Depending on which valve is affected, the diagnosis may be aortic stenosis, mitral stenosis, pulmonic stenosis or tricuspid stenosis.

• Valvular regurgitation. A condition in which blood leaks back in the wrong direction because one or more of the heart’s valves is closing improperly. The nature and severity of the leakage, in turn, may keep the heart from circulating an adequate amount of blood through the defective valve. Depending on which valve is affected, the diagnosis may be aortic regurgitation, mitral regurgitation, pulmonary regurgitation or
tricuspid regurgitation.

• Atresia of one of the valves. A serious condition in which one of the valves has failed to develop properly and is completely closed at birth. Depending on which valve is affected, the diagnosis may be aortic atresia, mitral atresia, pulmonary atresia or tricuspid atresia.

• Mitral valve prolapse. A common and rarely serious condition in which the two flaps of the mitral valve (located between the left atrium and the left ventricle cannot close properly, and may result in blood leaking back into the left atrium (mitral valve regurgitation). It is due to either one (or both) of the flaps being too large, or because the muscle “hinges” of the flaps are too long.
valvular regurgitation 
People who slowly develop valvular heart disease may not notice any symptoms because the heart is given time to adjust. However, valve disease that develops suddenly can cause a variety of symptoms including palpitations, chest pain and edema (swelling) in the ankles, feet or abdomen. Weakness, dizziness and rapid weight gain may also occur. The severity of a patient’s symptoms does not always reflect the severity of their condition. Patients with severe valvular heart disease may have no symptoms and those with severe symptoms only have a minor valve problem that does not require treatment. As a general rule, patients experiencing any new symptoms, or symptoms that are more frequent or severe, should contact a physician.
The diagnosis of valvular heart disease is usually performed by one of the following tests:
• Physical examination may reveal a murmur, evidence of heart enlargement and fluids within the lungs.
• An electrocardiogram (EKG) may reveal arrhythmias and chamber enlargement.
• Echocardiography and a Doppler ultrasound are the most widely used methods, and are very useful in assessment of presence and severity of valve disease.
• MRI can provide clear three-dimensional images of the heart and its valves.
Treatment for valvular heart disease depends on the type and severity of the diagnosis. People with minor valve problems may not require treatment. Those with more serious disorders can often be treated successfully with medications such as the following:
• ACE inhibitors. Widen blood vessels, lower blood pressure and decrease the workload of the heart (in the case of valvular regurgitation).
• Antiarrhythmics. Maintain a regular heartbeat and slow rapid heart rhythms. Therefore, the heart beats less frequently but more effectively, pumping more blood through the body.
• Antibiotics. Help prevent or treat infection.
• Anticoagulants. Help prevent the formation of blood clots.
• Diuretics. Lower excess fluid levels in the body.
• Inotropes. Increase the force of the heart’s contractions.
If medications are not successful or a valve condition worsens interventional procedures and/or surgery may be necessary. These may include heart valve repair or replacement. A heart valve repair may be done by one of the following procedures:
• Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty. A nonsurgical, catheter-based procedure to treat valvular stenosis.
• Valvulotomy. A type of open-heart surgery in which the surgeon cuts into a valve to repair valvular damage. One such type is a commissurotomy, a procedure in which narrowed valve leaflets are widened by carefully opening the fused leaflets or commissures with a scalpel. This procedure is mostly used to correct mitral stenosis.
• Minimally invasive heart valve surgery. A surgical repair of a defective heart valve performed through a small incision (3.5 inches) and partial removal of the upper breastbone (sternum) that involves less risk, fewer complications, less pain, less bleeding and faster recovery by the patient.
If heart valve repair is not an option, a heart valve replacement could be performed. This is an open–heart surgery in which a biological or mechanical valve is used to replace a defective heart valve.
Ongoing research on valvular heart disease
Biological heart valves last about 10 years before they start to fail due to tissue disintegration. Mechanical valves, which are made from metal or other man-made (synthetic) materials, are designed to last a lifetime. They are often used if all other factors are equal. However, mechanical valves carry a higher risk of blood clots, so patients with mechanical valves must take anticoagulants for life.
Researchers are continually exploring possible causes and treatments for heart valve diseases as well as the long-term effects of those treatments. Recent findings include:
• Stem cell research is being applied to congenital heart disease. Found in bone marrow, lymphatic tissue and embryos, immature stem cells can differentiate into specific, specialized body cells, including cardiac muscle cells. In animal studies, for example, bone marrow stem cells have evolved into cardiac cells after they were injected into damaged heart muscle. These results, however, have yet to be duplicated in human beings, and any benefits from stem cell therapy may be years away.
• Robotically-assisted surgery is showing benefit for both simple and complex mitral valve repairs. Robotic surgery involves voice-activated robotic “hands” at the operating table, with the cardiac surgeon manipulating the hand controls. The surgeon views the procedure through an endoscope, a slim optical tube with an attached camera positioned inside the chest. Advantages of this and similar procedures are small incisions, less surgical trauma and a shorter operative and recovery period.
• Cells from a patient’s own blood vessels can be “grown” over biological valves taken from pigs or human cadavers. Scientists remove the cells from the biological valve, leaving only elastic tissue that retains the valve’s shape. The patient’s cultured cells are then grown over the elastic tissue. After about one year, the new valve is implanted into the patient. It has been shown that this procedure resulted in fewer post-operative complications (e.g., fever, hospital stay) compared to conventional valve replacement.
• Surgeons are exploring heart valve replacement without the need for open-heart surgery. Typically, diseased or defective valves are replaced with an artificial valve or a tissue valve (from a pig or cow). A new, less invasive procedure, known as percutaneous transcatheter heart valve implantation, involves the use of balloon catheters and large stents introduced through a puncture in the skin (in the groin area, near the femoral vein). The new heart valve is transported via the stent to the site,
where the stent is then expanded to implant the valve. For patients not able to undergo open-heart surgery, due to age and/or physical condition, percutaneous heart valve implantation may impact significantly on survival and quality of life.
• Studies are evaluating whether medical (drug) therapy can offer improvement in aortic stenosis. Stenosis can develop due to a buildup of calcium, causing decreased mobility in the aortic valve. This calcium buildup is a form of atherosclerosis. Statins, a type of cholesterol-reducing drug, have shown to be effective in reducing calcium deposits in and around the heart. Therefore, there is interest in this class of drugs for
the treatment of aortic stenosis. In early studies, researchers found that, while lower cholesterol levels did not impact on aortic stenosis, statins slowed its progression. This could be due to its effect and reducing C-reactive protein and overall inflammation around the heart – another cause of atherosclerosis.
• Treating calcification of the aortic valve with ACE inhibitors is also being explored. These are medications that block the effects of angiotensin-converting enzymes, which normally have a role in blood pressure. It is believed that angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is transported by low-density lipoproteins (LDLs, so–called “bad” cholesterol) into areas damaged by plaque, contributing to calcification.
Questions for your doctor
Preparing questions in advance can help patients to have more meaningful discussions with their physicians regarding their conditions. Patients may wish to ask their doctor the following questions related to valvular heart disease:
1. Do I have any type of Valvular Heart Disease?
2. Which of my valves is affected? What does this mean?
3. Am I taking any medications that may be causing this condition? Could an underlying medical problem be responsible?
4. Do you recommend any surgeries or medications to correct my problem? Why do you feel this is the best course of action?
5. How invasive would corrective surgery be? Why is/isn't this a good option for me?
6. Are there any recent treatment breakthroughs in this area that I may benefit from?
7. Are there any lifestyle changes I can make that could improve my condition?
8. Are there any activities I should not engage in?
9. Does Valvular Heart Disease prevent me from becoming pregnant? Could it cause complications if I am already pregnant?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

the Signs of a Woman’s Heart Attack

Heart disease is currently the number one cause of death in postmenopausal women; more women die of heart disease than of lung cancer or breast cancer. Half of all North Americans who die from heart attacks each year are women. But heart disease doesn’t refer only to heart attacks; it includes strokes as well as a whole gamut of problems caused by poor circulation, known in clinical circles as
peripheral vascular disease, or more plainly, “blood circulation disease.” Peripheral vascular disease occurs when blood flow to the limbs (arms, legs, and feet) is blocked, which creates cramping, pains, or numbness. In fact, pain and numbing in your arms or legs may be signs of heart disease or even an imminent heart attack. A 1992 study reported that 20 percent of all women over age 60 suffered from peripheral vascular disease, and as more women approach menopause, that number will substantially increase.
One of the reasons for such high death rates from heart attacks among women is medical ignorance; most studies looking at heart disease have excluded women, which led to a myth that more men than women die of heart disease. The truth is more men die of heart attacks before age fifty, while more women die of heart attacks after age fifty, as a direct result of estrogen loss. Moreover, women who have had oopherectomies (removal of the ovaries) prior to natural menopause increase their risk of a heart attack eightfold. Since more women work outside the home than ever before, a number of experts cite stress as a major contributing factor
to increased rates of heart disease in women. Another problem is that women have different symptoms than men when it comes to heart disease, and so the “typical” warning signs we know about in men—angina, or chest pains—are often never present in women. In fact, chest pains in women are almost never related to heart disease.
When symptoms of heart disease are not “male,” many women are sent home to die—they are told that their heart attacks are “stress.” You’re about to change all of that. Never before have so many women been at risk for heart disease. As millions of women turn fifty in 2000, the medical community will be forced to recognize the unique warning signs of heart disease and heart attacks in women. This book discusses all the modifiable risk factors for heart disease and the warning signs of a heart attack—in WOMEN. The major risk factors for women’s heart disease are smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, and an inactive lifestyle. The Nurses’ Health Study, a study that looked at 120,000 middle-aged women, found that women who were obese had two to three times more heart disease; this is particularly true for xiv Introduction women with apple-shaped figures (meaning abdominal or upper body fat).
Studies show that hormone replacement therapy can help reduce your risk of heart disease. It is estrogen that protects women from heart disease prior to menopause; after menopause, the rates of heart disease in women soar as a result of estrogen loss. Lifestyle changes can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease, as well. Women who are physically active have a 60 to 75 percent lower risk of heart disease than inactive women. So modifying your lifestyle (by stopping smoking, eating less fat, and getting more
exercise) can prevent heart and peripheral vascular disease.
Blood pressure–lowering medications and, in select women, cholesterol-lowering drugs are other options. In essence, this book is designed to help you prevent heart disease before it starts. But before I begin to show you the ways to prevent heart disease, the first thing you must know are warning signs to watch for. You see, for women, the symptoms of heart disease and even an actual heart attack can be vague—seemingly unrelated to heart problems. Signs of heart disease in women include some surprising symptoms:
• Shortness of breath and/or fatigue
• Jaw pain (often masked by arthritis and joint pain)
• Pain in the back of the neck (often masked by arthritis or joint pain)
• Pain down the right or left arm
• Back pain (often masked by arthritis and joint pain)
• Sweating (often masked by the discomforts of menopause)
• Fainting
• Palpitations
• Bloating (after menopause, would you believe this is a sign of coronary artery blockage?)
• Heartburn, belching, or other gastrointestinal pain (this is often a sign of an actual heart attack in women)
• Chest “heaviness” between the breasts; this is how women experience chest pain; some describe it as a sinking feeling or burning sensation, also described as an aching, throbbing, or a squeezing sensation, or a feeling that your heart jumps into your throat
• If you’re diabetic, sudden swings in blood sugar
• Vomiting
• Confusion
If you now think you have heart disease, the following diagnostic tests can confirm it:
• Manual exam (doctor examining you with a stethoscope)
• Electrocardiogram
• Exercise stress test
• Echocardiogram
• Imaging tests that may use radioactive substances to take pictures of the heart
Now let’s start counting the ways you can achieve a healthier heart and a higher quality of life.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Heart Failure

Heart failure, defined as an impairment that prevents the heart from adequately perfusing body tissues to meet metabolic demands, is a major health problem that affects between 2 and 3 million Americans. With 400,000 new cases of HF diagnosed annually, the cost to the U.S. health care system is considerable, since HF is the primary reason for an estimated 1 million hospitalizations per year. In 1990, HF was responsible for approximately $10 billion in direct (e.g., hospitalization) and indirect (e.g., prolonged nursing home stays) costs.
HF has a poor prognosis. After the onset of symptoms, the five-year mortality rate in patients with HF-based on data from the Framingham Heart Study-is 62 percent in men and 42 percent in women, with 200,000 deaths attributable to HF each year in the United States alone.

Traditionally, HF has been thought to be a result of an impairment of systolic (inotropic) function, which is a reflection of decreased contractility of myocardial cells, most common in the left ventricle. More recently, impaired left ventricular (LV) filling, or diastolic dysfunction, has also been recognized as a significant contributor to the development of HF and is a reflection of reduced ventricular compliance related to scar tissue, ischemia, or hypertrophy of normal myocardial cells. Many cases of HF have components of both systolic and diastolic dysfunction.
hypertrophic responseshypertrophic responseshypertrophic responses 
Figure 1 Schematic illustration of selected types of hypertrophic responses. In A, the left ventricular dimensions are normal. With end-stage systolic dysfunction (B), cardiac chamber wall thickness remains the same or decreases in association with generalized dilatation of several cardiac chambers. Contractile activity is globally reduced. In lesser degrees of  systolic dysfunction, contractility is reduced, but cardiac chambers do not necessarily demonstrate marked dilatation. In pure diastolic dysfunction (C), symmetric thickening of the IVS and LVFW occurs at the expense of left ventricular  cavitary volume. Cardiac contractility is typically preserved, if not increased, resulting in corresponding preservation (or increase) in ejection fraction. However, overall cardiac output is reduced because the ventricle never completely  fills.
IVS = interventricular septum;
LA = left atrium; LV = left ventricle;
LVFW = left ventricular free wall;
RA = right atrium; RV = right ventricle.

In HF due to systolic dysfunction, the left ventricle is enlarged and overstretched (i.e., thinned) (Figure 1B; Figure 1A corresponds to a normal heart). Systolic dysfunction is the result of decreased cardiac contractility, which causes low cardiac output. Common causes of systolic dysfunction include scarring due to mycardial infarction and viral cardiomyopathy. The heart in end-stage HF due to systolic dysfunction is easily recognized on echocardiography as a Ã’big, baggy heart.
In HF due to diastolic dysfunction, cardiac contractility is preserved or even increased (Figure 1C). The thickened and stiffened ventricle limits the amount of blood that can enter the heart, resulting in decreased ventricular filling during diastole. Ventricular dysfunction is often mixed, however, and has elements of both systolic and diastolic dysfunction.
Unfortunately, the physical examination will usually not allow the physician to reliably distinguish between systolic and diastolic dysfunction. Sometimes, a laterally displaced, dilated point of maximum impulse (PMI) may suggest that HF has a component of systolic dysfunction. On the other hand, in pure diastolic dysfunction, the PMI is not typically displaced or dilated, albeit the impulse may be abnormally sustained in duration.
It is important to recognize that diastolic and systolic dysfunction often overlap and may occur in the same patient. As an example, hypertensive patients commonly develop concentric hypertrophy with diastolic dysfunction as a result of the increase in afterload associated with persistent hypertension. If the hypertension is not controlled, LV function eventually deteriorates, and systolic dysfunction becomes superimposed on the initially hypertrophied left ventricle. Eventually, the left ventricle dilates and the diastolic dysfunction present in the early HF of hypertension evolves to dilated cardiomyopathy, so that the component of diastolic dysfunction may no longer be recognized.
Myocardial function is controlled by preload, afterload, ventricular contractility, heart rate, and heart rhythm. In HF, impaired heart function results in hemodynamic stress in the form of falling cardiac output. This stress unleashes a series of interdependent acute and chronic compensatory events, all of which are intended to maintain perfusion to vital organs.
Myocardial cell hypertrophy and increased LV wall thickness resulting from HF are accompanied by decreased ventricular compliance (increased ventricular stiffness), and, in the elderly, increased vascular resistance. The ensuing structural deterioration transforms the left ventricle from its normal elliptical shape to a rounded shape-a process known as remodeling. The rounded, or globoid, heart of late-stage HF may be accompanied by functional mitral regurgitation, ventricular dilatation, and thinning of the ventricular wall.
Neurohormonal Activation
The functional decrease in cardiac output and atrial hypertension results in arterial hypovolemia that characterizes HF. HF activates the adrenergic (sympathetic) nervous system and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) system, increases release of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), may increase the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and renal
prostaglandins, and has long-term pathologic consequences.
Early in the course of HF, neurohormonal responses to hypovolemia lead to plasma expansion and selective vasoconstriction. The cardiovascular system compensates for the functional decrease in circulatory volume by shunting blood away from nonvital organ systems (e.g., kidneys, gastrointestinal tract), and by increasing cardiac contractility. Long-term neurohormonal adaptation to decreased perfusion results in desensitization of the heart to sympathetic stimulation, increased impedence to LV outflow, dysfunctional vascular endothelium, impaired glycolysis in fasttwitch muscles, physical deconditioning, and muscle deterioration.
In HF, norepinephrine is chronically elevated due to an increase in release and spillover from the adrenal gland, decreased plasma clearance, and decreased neuronal and non-neuronal reuptake. Norepinephrine increases afterload, causes cardiac arrhythmias, and has a direct toxic effect on the myocardium. There is a direct correlation between norepinephrine levels and both the hemodynamic severity and the poor prognosis of HF.
Decreased cardiac output, characteristic of HF, results in constriction of the kidney's efferent arterioles, which maintain the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). As HF progresses, a point is reached at which further constriction is impossible, and the GFR becomes flowdependent and decreases in tandem with additional decreases in cardiac output.
When the GFR falls, sodium is reabsorbed by the renal tubules, which activates the RAA system. The RAA system plays a key role in regulating blood pressure and vascular tone, and maintaining salt and water homeostasis. Renin, a proteolytic enzyme stored in the juxtaglomerular complex, cleaves angiotensinogen (a glycoprotein formed in the liver) to form angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is split by angiotensin-converting enzyme into angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor that also stimulates the synthesis and secretion of aldosterone, which leads to sodium retention. Activation of the RAA system in HF is thought to occur in steps, as it normalizes in early-stage, compensated HF. As HF worsens, the RAA system is reactivated, and is a major contributor to the relatively intense edema and vasoconstriction typical of decompensated HF.
ADH is produced in the posterior pituitary and promotes renal tubular reabsorption of water by the kidneys in response to decreased plasma volume, as occurs in HF. Although ADH is often increased in HF, its contribution to the vascular dynamics of HF is unclear.
ANP is produced in atrial tissue of the heart in response to atrial stretch from increased blood volume. This causes natriuresis and vasodilation, and counteracts the waterretaining effect of the adrenergic and RAA systems. In early-stage HF, the vasodilatory response of peripheral arteries to ANP is preserved, but it becomes blunted as the HF enters a decompensation phase, an effect attributed to the down-regulation of ANP receptors.
One of the compensatory responses to the chronic overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the RAA system is an increased release of prostaglandins, resulting in peripheral vasodilation.

Clinical Findings
It is essential to keep in mind that mild HF is not necessarily the same as early-stage HF. Mild HF suggests that the patient's ability to function is only "mildly" affected. Earlystage HF, on the other hand, refers to the duration of pathogenic events that occur in the compensated phase of HF.
It is also important to emphasize that LV dysfunction does not always progress in a predictable fashion, nor is the degree of LV dysfunction necessarily paralleled by the clinical severity of symptoms. Some patients may present with significant symptoms of HF, yet only have minimal alteration of LV function. Other patients with only mild symptoms may come to medical attention in later stages of HF, which reflects the efficacy of the body's compensatory mechanisms.
For practical purposes, HF may be divided into high-output failure, which is usually secondary to other, noncardiac conditions, and low-output failure, which is primarily due to cardiac pump failure. High-output HF is very unusual in clinical practice and may be due to a marked hyperdynamic circulation with minimal functional myocardial abnormalities, in which the demand outstrips the capacity, resulting in a hyperkinetic state.
In low-output HF, the cardiac output falls below the tissue requirements for oxygen. It is associated with increased vascular resistance and oxygen consumption, decreased cardiac index and oxygen saturation, and lactic acidosis. Low-output HF may be "forward,"  in which oxygenated blood does not reach peripheral tissues, or "backward," in which blood backs up in the lungs.
The symptoms of low-output forward HF include weakness, fatigue, lethargy, lightheadedness, and confusion. In decompensated HF, cardiac cachexia, which is characterized by generalized exhaustion and loss of lean muscle mass, ensues. The symptoms of lowoutput backward, or congestive, HF reflect pulmonary edema, in which fluids accumulate in the lungs and result in dyspnea, initially only on exertion. Decompensated low-output backward failure is characterized by orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.
The clinical findings in HF include peripheral edema, rales, S3 gallop, sinus tachycardia, hypotension, increased jugular venous pressure, and hepatojugular reflux. Despite the presence of one or more of these signs, HF may be misdiagnosed in up to 40 percent of patients. The severity of HF can also be evaluated with chest radiography. Chest films may demonstrate cardiac enlargement, interstitial and alveolar edema, and pulmonary vascular redistribution in HF. However, HF may also be misdiagnosed using x-ray studies. Therefore, all patients suspected of having HF should be evaluated by two-dimensional echocardiography and Doppler studies to determine LV contractility, ventricular compliance, hypertrophy, and the presence or absence of other underlying conditions, such as valve pathology.

Management Strategies
HF is a syndrome that consists of a constellation of symptoms evoked by a wide range of conditions and precipitating factors (Table 1). Its management hinges on correction (when possible) of precipitating factors, treatment of acute symptoms, and compliance with long-term strategies that are intended to prolong survival.

Management of Acute Precipitating Factors
HF may be caused by noncardiac factors, including alcohol and drug abuse, excess fluid or sodium intake, fever, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, anemia, hypoxia, infection, renal insufficiency, and hypertension. Control of these factors may attenuate or even eliminate the signs and symptoms of HF. Indeed, if these precipitating factors are not diagnosed and eliminated or treated, the patient could receive unnecessary or inappropriate treatment.

Management of Acute Symptoms
Acute HF with pulmonary edema is a medical emergency that requires immediate reduction of intravascular volume and myocardial oxygen demand. Such patients should be placed in an upright position and given supplemental oxygen. Some patients may require mechanical ventilation to optimize oxygenation and gas exchange. An intravenous (IV) diuretic should be administered to reduce preload, relieve pulmonary congestion, and improve oxygenation. Furosemide (Lasix) is usually given in doses of 20 to 40 mg IV, with the dose doubled, as needed, every 30 minutes until a maximum of 160 mg is reached. The initial dose depends on the severity of pulmonary congestion, duration of HF symptoms (time to allow compensatory fluid retention), renal dysfunction, and known responsiveness to furosemide.
Morphine sulfate remains an extremely effective treatment for pulmonary edema and administration should be titrated in small aliquots (2 to 5 mg IV) to reduce preload and improve cardiac performance by reducing afterload. Morphine also alleviates the sensation of air hunger, thereby indirectly reducing the level of circulating catecholamines released due to anxiety. Overadministration of morphine is unusual in patients with pulmonary edema; if respiratory depression does occur, it can be easily reversed with IV naloxone hydrochloride (Narcan).
Nitroglycerin acts by reducing both preload and afterload, thereby improving cardiac performance. Sublingual (0.4 mg), cutaneous, or IV nitroglycerin may be used, depending on the patient's clinical condition. IV nitroglycerin has a greater effect on afterload, whereas the sublingual and cutaneous forms reduce preload to a greater extent. Nitroglycerin is also indicated if angina accompanies HF.
Inotropic therapy with digoxin is generally not indicated in the treatment of acute pulmonary edema. Digoxin may be useful, however, as an antiarrhythmic agent to slow rapid atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter if these conditions accompany the HF. Central monitoring with a balloon flotation catheter occasionally may be needed if questions remain regarding hemodynamics or additional data are required to follow the patient's response to therapy.

Long-term Management
Once HF develops, unless a correctable cause is noted, continuous therapy is required to minimize morbidity and reduce mortality. It is imperative that the precipitating factors be eliminated or treated and the underlying causes of the patient's heart failure be identified and treated as completely as possible.
Thus, in addition to treatment of underlying hypertension, arrhythmias, ischemia, or valvular disease, long-term therapy for HF should be initiated, including both nonpharmacologic supportive measures and pharmacologic therapy. Nonpharmacologic measures include salt restriction (aiming for less than 2 g sodium per day), smoking cessation, elimination of alcohol intake, aerobic exercise as tolerated, and fluid restriction in patients with impaired renal function, refractory HF, or psychogenic polydipsia. Patients who are prone to developing congestive symptoms should monitor their weight daily and report any rapid weight gain in excess of 3 to 5 lb.
The pharmacologic management of HF may require the use of multiple agents, including diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, digoxin, nitrates, calciumchannel blockers (CCBs), and beta-adrenergic blockers. Treatment should be tailored to the underlying systolic or diastolic dysfunction.

Diuretics are a mainstay in the acute management of HF, and are usually the first drugs administered to the patient with congestive symptoms. They reduce the preload (venous return volume and ventricular filling pressure) and, by decreasing the effective circulating volume, relieve the symptoms of pulmonary congestion and peripheral edema. Although highly effective in the management of acute congestion, diuretics do not prevent disease progression and their long-term effect on mortality is unknown. Moreover, the use of diuretics may be associated with adverse effects on hemodynamics, renal function, and serum electrolytes. For example, they may result in reflex tachycardia, activation of the SNS and RAA system, increased blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels (from volume depletion), and decreased potassium and magnesium levels. Once the patient is stabilized (euvolemic), diuretics take on a lesser role in the management of HF, and are used in combination with other agents, particularly with ACE inhibitors.
The selection of a diuretic is based on the severity of the HF and whether the HF is related to systolic or diastolic dysfunction. Mild HF often responds to thiazides, such as hydrochlorothiazide (Esidrix, HydroDIURIL, Oretic, etc.), which require adequate renal function (creatinine clearance ≥ 30 mL per minute). Peripheral edema in mild HF also responds to the nonthiazide diuretic indapamide (Lozol), which has fewer adverse electrolyte and metabolic effects than hydrochlorothiazide and can be used in patients with moderate renal failure (creatinine clearance ≥ 20 mL per minute). These diuretics are ineffective with more severe degrees of renal impairment.
In moderate to severe HF, low doses of loop diuretics, such as furosemide, may be effective. Other loop diuretics include bumetanide (Bumex), which has a more rapid onset but a shorter duration of action; ethacrynic acid (Edecrin), the most ototoxic of the loop diuretics; and torsemide (Demadex), the newest of these agents, which is as effective as furosemide but has a longer duration of action, allowing for less frequent dosing. In patients with HF that is refractory to attempts at diuresis with moderate to high doses of a loop diuretic, the addition of 2.5 to 5.0 mg of metolazone (Mykrox, Zaroxolyn) 30 to 60 minutes before giving the loop diuretic may restore an effective diuretic response.
Potassium-sparing diuretics effect mild diuresis but have the advantage of conserving both potassium and magnesium, which may be more effective in maintaining electrolyte balance than cation supplementation. Potassium-sparing diuretics include amiloride (Midamor), triamterene (Dyrenium), a combination of hydrochlorothiazide and triamterene
(Dyazide, Maxzide), and spironolactone (Aldactone). Careful monitoring of potassium is required when these agents are added to a regimen that contains either ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARAs) due to an increased risk for hyperkalemia. Because of their weak diuretic action, potassium- sparing diuretics are mainly used as adjuncts to other, more potent diuretics.
Diuretics must be used carefully in patients with diastolic dysfunction, because they are highly volume-dependent. Excessive volume depletion could exacerbate the problem with ventricular filling.
Diuretic therapy requires careful monitoring with long-term use, since these drugs may cause hypokalemia and activate the RAA system. Diuretic-induced activation of the RAA system explains why diuretics should generally not be used on a long-term basis unless ACE inhibitors or ARAs, which block RAA activation, are added to the therapeutic regimen.

ACE Inhibitors
ACE inhibitors block circulating and tissue RAA systems by inhibiting the production of angiotensin II. These agents are both cardioprotective and vasculoprotective (Table 2). The cardioprotective effects include improved hemodynamics and electrical stability, as well as reduced SNS activity and reduced LV mass. The vasculoprotective benefits include improved endothelial function, vascular compliance and tone, as well as direct antiproliferative and antiplatelet effects. ACE inhibitors also stimulate prostaglandin synthesis, reduce the size of myocardial infarcts, reduce reperfusion injury and complex ventricular arrhythmias, and have antiatherogenic activity in cholesterol-, mechanical- and immune-mediated experimental models of atherosclerosis.
ACE inhibitors have emerged as the treatment of choice in HF with systolic dysfunction because of their neurohormonal effects and their ability to reduce both preload and afterload. The ACE inhibitor-induced reduction of angiotensin II results in reduced release of aldosterone, which in turn reduces sodium and water retention, and, by extension, decreases preload. ACE inhibitors improve the hemodynamics of HF by reducing right atrial pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, arterial blood pressure, and pulmonary and systemic vascular resistance. These agents also increase both the cardiac and stroke indices and reduce the right ventricular end-diastolic volume, thereby resulting in increased cardiac output, reduced cardiac load, and decreased myocardial oxygen consumption. They also down-regulate the SNS, which, as discussed earlier, is intimately linked to the pathogenesis of HF.
The net effects of the reversal of the pathophysiologic cascade of HF by ACE inhibitors include improvement in symptoms, functional status, exercise tolerance, and quality of life plus prolonged survival.
After initial patient stabilization, ACE inhibitor therapy may be started with a shortacting agent (e.g, captopril [Capoten]) before switching to a long-acting drug (Table 3). Initial use of short-acting ACE inhibitors minimizes the frequency and duration of ACE inhibitor-related hypotensive episodes, as it permits more rapid withdrawal of therapy. Such treatment is often not needed in more stable patients. Although there are differences among the ACE inhibitors in pharmacokinetics
and other properties, these differences are of relatively little clinical significance. Longacting ACE inhibitors are generally preferred for long-term therapy because of their decreased frequency of administration, which translates into improved patient compliance.
ACE inhibitors are indicated for use in virtually all patients with HF due to systolic dysfunction, unless there are specific contraindications to their use, such as hyperkalemia, pregnancy, clinically significant renal insufficiency, symptomatic hypotension, or a history of adverse reactions or intolerance. Potential adverse effects of ACE inhibitors include hypotension, renal impairment, hyperkalemia, cough, and angioneurotic edema. In addition, idiopathic adverse effects, such as skin eruptions, disturbances in taste, and bone marrow suppression, have been noted.
In patients who cannot tolerate ACE inhibitors because of cough or angioedema, two alternative therapeutic regimens can be used: either combination therapy with hydralazine (Apresoline) and a nitrate, or treatment with an ARA, such as losartan (Cozaar), valsartan (Diovan) or irbesartan (Avapro). Despite the ability of hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil, Sorbitrate) to effectively reduce preload and afterload, this combination should be considered a secondline therapy for a number of reasons. The combination is associated with a high incidence of adverse reactions, such as headache, heart palpitations, and nasal congestion. It is also likely to cause reflex tachycardia, which increases oxygen consumption. Hydralazine is often associated with tachyphylaxis. It should be kept in mind that these agents are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as therapy for HF.
ARAs act by a somewhat different mechanism than do ACE inhibitors. Initial data suggest that they may be at least as effective as and better tolerated than ACE inhibitors. Although both ACE inhibitors and ARAs act on the RAA system, angiotensin II is also formed by enzymes other than angiotensinconverting enzymes. Thus, since ARAs bind at a site more distal to angiotensin II receptors, they more completely antagonize angiotensin II effects, including vasoconstriction, SNS activation, and aldosterone release. Unlike ACE inhibitors, ARAs do not interfere with bradykinin and prostaglandin metabolism, which has been suggested to be responsible for the cough and angioedema of ACE inhibitors.
In the ELITE study, patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) class II-IV heart failure were randomized to receive either captopril or losartan. Preliminary data from that study suggest that survival in patients receiving losartan may be comparable to that in patients receiving captopril, although further study is warranted before general recommendations can be made. In general, side effects from ARA drugs are minimal.

The first effective treatment for heart failure was foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), the leaves of which were popular for the treatment of various heart conditions by English folk herbalists. Digitalis, which is obtained directly from foxglove leaves, has been abandoned in favor of digoxin, which has more consistent pharmacokinetics. Predictable pharmacokinetics are of particular importance, given digitalis’ narrow therapeutic index. Although digoxin suffered a transient waning in popularity, it appears to have regained its therapeutic currency in the treatment of HF. Digoxin reduces the rate of HF hospitalizations, improves functional class, exercise capacity, and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). However, digoxin has not been shown to improve survival in patients receiving diuretics and ACE inhibitors.
Digoxin’s efficacy in treating HF hinges on its positive inotropic effects, which include increases in the force and velocity of myocardial contraction, ejection fraction, and exercise tolerance. In addition to improving the heart’s mechanical functions, digoxin slows cardiac conduction and affects neurohormonal activity.
Digoxin prolongs the refractory period of the atrioventricular (AV) node, resulting in a slowed ventricular response to supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, especially atrial fibrillation, for which digoxin remains an agent of choice, especially when the fibrillation accompanies acute myocardial infarction or LV failure. Digoxin also ameliorates the autonomic dysfunction typical of HF by attenuating SNS activity.
Digoxin is of limited use in the treatment of the patient with acute HF who is in normal sinus rhythm. However, it is an agent of choice for the long-term management of HF due to systolic dysfunction. Digoxin’s half-life ranges from 36 hours in young healthy adults to five days in elderly patients with renal failure. Digoxin’s pharmacokinetics are linear. As a result, a doubling of the daily dose results in an approximately twofold increase in serum levels. As with most drugs, digoxin requires three to five half-lives either to reach a steady state or to be eliminated from the system once a steady state has been reached. Given the length of digoxin’s half-life, achieving a steady state with therapeutic levels requires two to four weeks if no loading dose is given. Results of the PROVED and RADIANCE trials indicate that in a significant percentage of patients with HF due to systolic dysfunction, their condition worsened when digoxin was discontinued. Therefore, maintaining such patients indefinitely on digoxin, provided they have no adverse reactions, seems warranted. That said, the more recently completed Digoxin Trial failed to show reduced mortality with long-term use of this drug.
Because of digoxin's narrow therapeutic index, dosing must be titrated carefully. Conditions contributing to digoxin toxicity include renal insufficiency (with concomitant diuretic), ACE inhibitor use, and concomitant administration of potassium-depleting corticosteroids and diuretics. Symptoms of digoxin toxicity include loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting; defects in color vision, in particular for reds and greens, or seeing halos around light bulbs; symptoms that suggest psychosis; weakness, fatigue, or dizziness; cardiac arrhythmias, including frequent or multiform premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), ventricular tachycardia, atrial tachycardia with block, accelerated junctional rhythms,
rhythms with Wenckebach conduction, and atrial fibrillation with slowed or regular ventricular responses; and hyperkalemia.
Digoxin toxicity is managed by discontinuing the drug; monitoring arrhythmias; correcting acid-base, electrolyte, and volume abnormalities; and treating hypoxia, ischemia, and arrhythmias. Arrhythmias are a common manifestation of digoxin toxicity and often respond to lidocaine (Xylocaine) or phenytoin (Dilantin), or both. In extreme emergencies, digoxin antibody fragments, which bind the active portion of the digoxin molecule, may be needed to reduce the effects of digitalis toxicity.

Management of HF Caused by Systolic vs. Diastolic Dysfunction
HF caused by systolic dysfunction usually responds predictably to diuretics, ACE inhibitors, ARAs, and digoxin. In patients with diastolic dysfunction, however, higherthan- normal ventricular filling pressures are needed to generate even low-normal cardiac output. Although diuretics and nitrates may be used to relieve congestion and volume overload in HF caused by diastolic dysfunction, they must be used with caution, since overly aggressive therapy may further impair ventricular filling. Similarly, ACE inhibitors may be used in diastolic dysfunction. However, because these agents produce vasodilation, they must be used with caution so as not to excessively reduce blood pressure and exacerbate the problem with filling.
Positive inotropic agents, such as digoxin, are contraindicated in pure diastolic dysfunction because they further increase cardiac contractility. However, negative inotropic agents (lusotropic agents), such as beta-blockers or the CCBs diltiazem (Cardizem) and verapamil (Calan, Isoptin), are treatments of choice in pure diastolic dysfunction, because they allow ventricular relaxation and improve filling.

As indicated above, beta-blockers are a therapy of choice in patients with diastolic dysfunction in which contractility is preserved. These agents reduce the heart rate and contractility, resulting in increased diastolic filling and cardiac output. Recent data suggest that long-term therapy with beta-blockers may also be useful in systolic dysfunction. In patients with severe HF from end-stage congestive cardiomyopathy, beta-blockers were shown to significantly improve LV function and increase survival.
The mechanisms by which beta-blockers act to improve contractility in patients with systolic dysfunction are not completely clear, although it is thought that the effects are multifactorial and primarily the result of opposition to oversecretion of catecholamines. Chronic SNS overstimulation is one of the principal pathogenic mechanisms of HF. Effects are both structural (e.g., myocardial fibrosis and myocyte hypertrophy) and functional (e.g., tachycardia, constriction of coronary arteries, reduced ventricular filling time during diastole, impaired contractility, and arrhythmogenesis). Given the variety of effects evoked by SNS overstimulation, it might be anticipated that its down-regulation would benefit patients with HF.
Despite the recent recognition that betablockers may be of benefit in patients with HF from systolic dysfunction, these drugs should only be used with great care after standard treatment (ACE inhibitors, digoxin, and nitrates) has been maximized. Moreover, only carvedilol (Coreg), an alpha- and beta-blocker with antioxidant effects, has received FDA approval for use in this indication. If the decision is made to try beta-blocker therapy, a very low dose must be used and titrated upward on the RAA system, angiotensin II is also formed by enzymes other than angiotensinconverting enzymes. Thus, since ARAs bind at a site more distal to angiotensin II receptors, they more completely antagonize angiotensin II effects, including vasoconstriction, SNS activation, and aldosterone release. Unlike ACE inhibitors, ARAs do not interfere with bradykinin and prostaglandin metabolism, which has been suggested to be responsible for the cough and angioedema of ACE inhibitors.
In the ELITE study, patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) class II-IV heart failure were randomized to receive either captopril or losartan. Preliminary data from that study suggest that survival in patients receiving losartan may be comparable to that in patients receiving captopril, although further study is warranted before general recommendations can be made. In general, side effects from ARA drugs are minimal.
The first effective treatment for heart failure was foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), the leaves of which were popular for the treatment of various heart conditions by English folk herbalists. Digitalis, which is obtained directly from foxglove leaves, has been abandoned in favor of digoxin, which has more consistent pharmacokinetics. Predictable pharmacokinetics are of particular importance, given digitalis' narrow therapeutic index. Although digoxin suffered a transient waning in popularity, it appears to have regained its therapeutic currency in the treatment of HF. Digoxin reduces the rate of HF hospitalizations, improves functional class, exercise capacity, and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). However, digoxin has not been shown to improve survival in patients receiving diuretics and ACE inhibitors.
Digoxin's efficacy in treating HF hinges on its positive inotropic effects, which include increases in the force and velocity of myocardial contraction, ejection fraction, and exercise tolerance. In addition to improving the heart's mechanical functions, digoxin slows cardiac conduction and affects neurohormonal activity.
Digoxin prolongs the refractory period of the atrioventricular (AV) node, resulting in a slowed ventricular response to supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, especially atrial fibrillation, for which digoxin remains an agent of choice, especially when the fibrillation accompanies acute myocardial infarction or LV failure. Digoxin also ameliorates the autonomic dysfunction typical of HF by attenuating SNS activity.
Digoxin is of limited use in the treatment of the patient with acute HF who is in normal sinus rhythm. However, it is an agent of choice for the long-term management of HF due to systolic dysfunction. Digoxin's half-life ranges from 36 hours in young healthy adults to five days in elderly patients with renal failure. Digoxin's pharmacokinetics are linear. As a result, a doubling of the daily dose results in an approximately twofold increase in serum levels. As with most drugs, digoxin requires three to five half-lives either to reach a steady state or to be eliminated from the system once a steady state has been reached. Given the length of digoxin's half-life, achieving a steady state with therapeutic levels requires two to four ever so slowly over a period of months. Some patients may develop worsening congestion that may need to be treated with increased dosages of diuretics. With time and careful upward titration of beta-blocker doses, LV function ultimately improves in most patients.

Calcium Channel Blockers
The role of CCBs in the treatment of patients with heart failure from systolic dysfunction remains unclear. As discussed previously, negatively inotropic CCBs (i.e., verapamil and diltiazem) are drugs of choice for the treatment of HF with diastolic dysfunction. They should not be used in HF with systolic dysfunction. Dihydropyridine CCBs tend not to be negatively inotropic in vivo. However, because of the potent vasodilation they produce, they are prone to evoke neurohumoral responses in the form of SNS stimulation and reflex tachycardia, both of which are deleterious in patients with HF.
The recently completed Prospective Randomized Amlodipine Survival Evaluation (PRAISE) I Trial suggested that the dihydropyridine agent amlodipine (Norvasc) may have a different clinical effect than other dihydropyridines, and survival was increased in patients treated with this drug who had nonischemic cardiomyopathy. Survival was not increased, however, in patients so treated who had ischemic cardiomyopathy, suggesting that the true effect of amlodipine in patients with HF from systolic dysfunction may not yet be known. Results from the PRAISE II Trial that is currently in progress will hopefully help answer this question.
A recently approved CCB, mibefradil (Posicor), warrants specific comment. Unlike all other CCBs, which block the L- and T-type (long-acting) calcium channels found on the surface of many cells in the body, mibefradil selectively blocks the T-type (transient) calcium channels, which are highly specific. As a result, catecholamine production is not increased, as occurs with dihydropyridine CCBs. Because it lacks negative inotropism, has optimal vasodilatory properties, reduces blood pressure, and reverses left ventricular hypertrophy, mibefradil may become an agent of choice when a CCB is desired for treatment of HF due to systolic dysfunction.

Other HF Therapies
Management of HF also includes the use of medication, interventional cardiology, or surgery to address functional defects such as arrhythmias and ischemia. Ventricular arrhythmias are often present in patients with HF. Despite their ubiquity, treatment should be limited to potassium and magnesium supplementation for asymptomatic premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), even if frequent, or for short periods of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. In those patients who become symptomatic due to sustained ventricular tachycardia, medical therapy with agents such as amiodarone (Cordarone) may be indicated, or, in the more refractory cases, consideration may be given to implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator. Among other ancillary therapies for managing HF are nitrates or anticoagulants. Both are discussed at greater length under management of acute myocardial infarction (MI).
Practically speaking, the best chance for long-term survival in the patient with HF from systolic dysfunction lies with identifying a potentially reversible underlying or precipitating cause of the heart failure and then attempting to correct it. Potential surgical interventions include valve repair or replacement; coronary revascularization (bypass surgery, angioplasty, or stenting); or heart transplantation.
Finally, for the patient with end-stage HF who is otherwise healthy and not elderly, the possibility of heart transplantation should be kept in mind. For suitable candidates, long-term (five-year) survival following heart transplantation is now up to 70 percent in many centers-compared with almost certain death in those not so treated. Unfortunately, the current donor supply (about 2,000 hearts yearly in the United States) is not nearly enough for the much larger number of patients with end-stage HF who are potentially good candidates.
Other surgical procedures, such as the Batista operation, in which a portion of the poorly contractile left ventricle is excised, should be considered as purely experimental and cannot be recommended at this time.


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